Empowering Startups and Nonprofits.
Collaborate, Mentor, and Empower One Another.
Pitching Ideas for the Most Pressing Issues Together.
The Exclusive Membership Community
Connecting Purpose-Driven Members Worldwide.
Addressing Trending Topics:
Global Situation and Social Issues
Income Inequality & Poverty Alleviation
AI and Automation Impact
Education & Skills Development
Impact Investing & Social Entrepreneurship
Build the Team and Share the Rewards
with the Community.
Make The World Better Together!
Forums for Change Makers
Social Impact Startups
Nonprofit Community Collaboration
Aggregate Skills, Experience, and Resources.
Boost Up The Synergy!

– Sneak Peek –
Sigma Alpha Society
The Honor Society
consisting of members with unique skills, talents, and experiences, to empower other members.
Join the Society by the referral of other SAS members.
Personal Data Privacy
The Consumer Privacy Alliance Consortium, aka C.P.A.C., is to address the issue of increasing personal data security.
Looking for the participation of
Data Privacy Officers, Attorneys, Personal Data Security Advocates, and application developers around the world.
Over 90% of consumers are concerned about the growing business practices of collecting personal data, online surveillance cameras, and AI Chatbots
and using the information for business interests.
The goal is to alert the risk,
develop measures and solutions,
helping to comply with the legislations around the world, such as GDPR, CCPA, and KCPA.
Boosting Online Profile with SEO Intelligence
is getting more and more important
for everyone and everywhere.
Especially for “the digitally handicapped” sectors
which do not have a dedicated IT resource or Expertise.
An easy-to-use, digital platform
optimized with SEO intelligence and AI.
would help boost online SEO intelligence,
optimizing for search engine intelligence and organic SEO, and
feeding digitally enhanced profiles for AI Knowledge base and search intelligence.
Two Are Better Than One!
A Social Platform for Venture Projects:
Connect Talented Members and Resources,
Organize a Team of Diverse Skills and Experiences
with Highly Experienced Team Leaders
To Achieve the Common Purpose.
A Cord of Three Even Better!
The Troika provides better balance,
stronger standing, and does not break up easily.
The key to success is
how the team with different skills and experiences,
measures up against each other,
overcoming the differences for synergistic outcomes,
achieving the goal in harmony,
avoiding self-centered biases,
which every one of us has.
Fatal founders’ mistakes are often linked to an inability or unwillingness to face a new reality objectively.
Bridge The Digital Gap
Our community needs an Affordable platform
to reduce the digital weakness gap, aka “digital divide,”
for “the digitally handicapped” sectors,
helping them deal with
the rise of AI and the digital transformation revolution.
For example, small businesses
used to represent over 90%
of worldwide businesses.
However, with the rise of digital transformation in 21st century,
their GDP share continues to decline to
below 42% since 1998,
Not affordable the Experienced resource to cope with the trends.
AI For Good: AI Safety & Policy, and AI-Powered Discovery
Consumer Privacy Alliance Consortium
Online Profile Boosted by Search Intelligence & AI
Sigma Alpha Society: The Global Pool of Experienced Talents
Crypto & Real Assets: Meet the Best of The Two Worlds
The Global Networks of WhosWho Social Hub
Springboard for Startups to foster collaboration
Make the World Better Together?
To Change The World Together?
Sign Up for the Social Platform.
Create a Digital Profile.
Share Your Opinions & Insights.
Join a Group of Interest
or the Community of Purpose.